Magical Laddakh
Ladakh through it's quietude casts a spell
Courtesy it's unique beauty, it does dispel
The constrictive feel of cities and towns
Making buoyant smiles replace the baffled frowns
The landscape diversity at such a height
Has mountains, lakes, rivers and desert that add on to one's delight
The ever changing colours of the Ladakhi horizon
Are balanced well by the polychromatic prayer flags in every passing season
Here, bathed in white snow, the mountainuos heights shimmer
The serenity of the place mesmerizes one and makes one quiver
At times the whining gales raise clouds of silvery sand
That encompass the greens interspersed in the brownish desert grand
The 'mani' wheels spin to the tunes of the devotee's prayer
Decorated stupas transfix one's sight by their sparkling glare
All in unison stimulate the senses and leave one enthralled
To understand the truth that resonated in Budha's divine call
He pronounced that life is magical
And it is upto oneself to make it so
For dispelling the 'dukkh'(sadness) that surrounds one
One has to train self to enjoy the life's magical flow