A mother gets justice (Dedicated to Mrs Neelam Katara)

She was crying for justice
For damaged was her inner core
The prayers were not enough
To quieten her bleeding sore

They stood by the story
That they had conjured
Though no one did believe it
Who really was mature

They tried their level best 
To bribe the judges and the court
And made them dance to their tunes
To protect their own fort

A lot of efforts were put in by them ,
To get the people confused
Pleas put forth increased her pain
And left her all the more bruised

To her, someone’s morals were the real thing
And she kept herself afloat by her fearless tidings
With all the confidence she continued with her honest march
As they retracted themselves into many a hidings

God is there and he is the real protector
He is the ultimate judge and the real benefactor
People don’t go far who are farce
Though saying that godly decisions interrupt them may sound harsh

So with faith in fate, she kept on marching
With immense belief in her divine self, she kept on charging
She did win the case as was written in her destiny
For honesty and righteousness never require a mutiny

© Dr Archana Tandon


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