
Showing posts from June, 2015


He came, and was not sent Or was it only a dream that she had dreamt  Of his essence, just like an adolescent She longingly gazed as he grazed At those long fingers and got amazed  Feeling the touch which was not there Simultaneously acknowledging his undaunting care Easing the turmoil which had erupted Fulfilling the thirst which had precipitated Making her long for many more of such moments Which had never been her life's component Moments of smiles, touch and gazes That could never be expressed in phrases © Dr Archana Tandon Archana Tandon

प्यार- एक अबूझ पहेली

प्यार  एक बयार भिगोती हु ई फुहार सुनाई देती एक धुन मिलन की तड़प लुटने का एहसास समाहित होने का ख्याल तो क्यूँ न इस बयार में भटक  जाऊं फुहार में भीग जाऊं धुन में बहक   जाऊं तड़प में मिट जाऊं  मिट कर तुझमें समा जाऊं समाहित हो तुझे पा जाऊं   अर्चना टंडन  

बारिश में सुलगता अंतर्मन

कुछ बेकसी कुछ अधूरापन  थी कुछ बेकरारी कुछ एकाकीपन  झमाझम बारिश में भी विचलित था आज क्यूँ मन सांसारिकता से आज खिन्न सा था क्यूँ मन  चाय कि चुस्कियां आज बेमज़ा ही थीं  पतौड़ की शक्ल भी कुछ बेजान ही सी थी  धुले हुए पौधों में भी कहीं रौनक गुम  थी  फूलों के रंगों में से  जैसे  चमक कम  थी  पाया था बहुत कुछ  खोया न था कभी भी कुछ  तो फिर ये कैसा सैलाब था जो बिना तेज़ाब के ही उफान पर था झमाझम  बारिश होने पर भी  आज बेवजह सुलगा हुआ सा था अर्चना टंडन 

Aim For Tranquility Through Discourse

Nip the controversy and don't let it lead the relations to devastation  Though  the inner godly self will  prevent you from retaliation But silence for long and avoiding the discussion  Will kill the feelings  and promote dissatisfaction Continued silence slowly gives birth to depression In long run it promotes scheming and dissatisfaction  The ignited flame of agony is then reflected in the conversations And multiplies the misunderstandings without harbouring such intentions  Believe that all are different and have their limitations  Their behavior is governed at times by their own frustrations  Silence loses it's value if not followed by timely  appropriate discussions  And premature discussions without timely silence spoils the relations  Archana Tandon