Study these data and contemplate as to why the society does not want a female child . Contemplate as to how these problems can be dealt with . Contemplate as to how do we save a female fetus . Contemplate as to will punishing the doctors for clerical mistakes improve the sex ratio of female birth . Contemplate will pushing the desperate parents to seek help from the quacks and mediators in search of an unlawful procedure ensure the safety of the female child and the mother herself . By following this principle of tightening the noose on doctors for a crime for which the societal norms are responsible aren't we propagating policies which will further increase the already high Maternal Mortality Rate and will further endanger the lives of the females .
Now study Nirbhaya's case for which a fast track court was made ...
Pay attention to these news clippings .....
What do we understand from these clippings and these incidences ?
The root cause of gendercide are not doctors but the patriarchal society and their strong adherence to
age-old beliefs . Impoverished couples in India prefer a male-child over a girl -child because they
believe a boy would be house-bound, carry their legacy forward ,fetch them a bride with a hefty
dowry and would take care of them during their final days. The girl child is considered a burden
because the parents have to earn ,save and spend a lot of money for their daughter's marriage after
which she would eventually leave them, settle down in her husband's house with a new surname and
serve her in-laws. Families in India have taken this concept for granted. And that's the main reason
behind the steep rise in cases of female foeticide and infanticide across the country .
Now lets work at what really needs to be done ..
Female education needs to be encouraged , laws and customs preventing daughters to inherit the
property should be abolished ; register all fetuses and ensure their safety by educating the population
and by providing proper antenatal care , get women engaged in public life employing them as news
readers as also in other walks of life .
readers as also in other walks of life .
Emancipation of women should be ensured in education ,in employment , in their personal lives and
they should be liberated from all these social taboos of getting their names changed ,of not being able
to remarry ,of not being able to lite the pyre of their parents ,of not being able to dress up according
to their own desire .
The government ,media ,judiciary and society should draw and believe in such norms so that the
female child is revered and a female fetus is welcomed and not aborted .