Aim at attaining an unselfish joy in the good fortune  of others .
A very difficult task . Yes …..
Is it attainable ? Yes ……….
Needs practice . Why ?
For your joy and for the happiness of those surrounding you and slowly for the happiness to spread around .
Do away with the existence within you of COMPASSIONATE SORROW only for sad happenings  …….. the sorrow  that you feel when feeling bad or the joy that you feel while  empathizing with people when they face or encounter the sad happenings or failures or loss .
Try to develop COMPASSIONATE JOY for others on their successes . Learn to feel an inner happiness and a sincere appreciation at the fortune,  gains and achievements of others . Practice and develop by making a deliberate effort in feeling the happiness at other’s achievements and slowly you will see the changes developing within you . For doing so you have to at times to challenge some of your own unconscious assumptions . Try to overcome your conditioned self and your constrictive mindsets which propels you to being judgemental , propels you to being  envious  and constricts your perceptions .
Try to do away with the nagging sense of insufficiency and lack of resources which is programmed into you . Chosen responses of sufficiency ,abundance and sympathetic joy must be deliberately chosen and learned . Compassion can be easily felt  at someone’s loss  but why is it hard to feel the same level of joy if I may call it “Compassionate Joy “ when someone we know is doing well spiritually ,emotionally or materially ? What is rubbing here ? Probably because they are doing better than me . “I” thinks I deserve the same if not better . So in failures ,sadness and loss I am not comparing and wanting the same but in happiness I am comparing and wanting better . Why ? Why does  the sense of injustice or envy  crop up ? And amidst these churned up feelings even if I do not like or understand this dilemma within me  ; I forget to  feel  joyous  for others .
We  all have within us this natural tendency towards mutual cooperation and mutual understanding but it lies deeper to our being envious and judgemental   and so it needs to be invited to come out of its hiding or to say more precisely , it needs to be practiced .
We can do so if we look at other beings as complete and complex beings in their own rights not characters of our self made and self visualized drama . All beings around us have their good times as also their bad times . We all have to learn and master this maturing process as humans .
As we overcome this childish and selfish response of “ WHY ME “ and “ WHY NOT ME “ ; compassion in true sense comes into play bringing unparalleled joy with it .We move on from providing caring service as a routine task  to providing it with a sense of genuine feeling woven into our gestures and we move on further to realize how inter-related we are and then when we smile it comes straight from the heart ,when we treat it comes straight from the heart ,when we cry it comes straight from the heart and when we praise or criticize it comes straight from the heart . PRACTICE ,PRACTICE AND PRACTICE  IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED . I ,YOU ME/HE /SHE ARE ALL IN THIS LEARNING CURVE AT DIFFERENT LEVELS 

-- Archana Tandon 


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