
Showing posts from April, 2020

Mickey Mouse takes a bow

You know me as Mickey and I know no bounds Filled with mischief I go round and round Entertaining you with my comic gestures  As I delve into my unplanned ventures I have amazed you for quite a few decades Along with my humoristic Disney world aides Featuring in a range of short films and feature films I have genuinely tried to astonish you with all my skills Clad in red shorts and big black boots I had replaced the Universal's Oswald the rabbit Merchandise and clubs are named after me to become  popular As I gained fame I broke the forecasts of all the astrologers I know you love Me and Minney as we tango Amazing you by our histrionics in the city of Orlando Old and young to this date relish to see me perform Though 85 yrs old I remain the same and have not transformed. © Dr Archana Tandon


I peeped out from  my window  To have a look at the nature's wrath And shuddered as I gazed at the lonely path The path, where once walked the pretty damsels  Twirling and crooning playing with their tresses Accompanied with children clad in colourful dresses The deserted look gave an eerie feel By the pandemic that had spread sending down a chill Stories of illness and resultant death spread around Leaving not a single home unaffected in the town The illness did scare people out of their minds For there had never been a doom of this kind Though the mornings were soothing as the birds sang and flowers bloomed  The evenings were dreary and brought back the gloom People were perplexed watching the approaching doom Fearing who would be the next one going to the tomb © Dr Archana Tandon

Bowing to the supreme

The baby was saved but the mother died Only if the team could have saved her life For she had come too late with all complications Had lost all blood and the relatives offered divergent narrations The team had worked hard to put a stitch in time Using all skill that they had earned in a lifetime The bleeding did not stop and she bled to death As the doctors looked at all the options available to them at depth Doctors  too are humans and join their hands to pray and to look up to him After treating the patients medically so that they can willfully grin They too bow to his plans for all is not in their hands For each one of us is just a pawn of his in this vast expanse © Dr Archana Tandon

कोविड काल के सकारात्मक एहसास

कोविड काल की कृपा कहूँ इसे या ईश्वर की मनुष्य को सत्यता के एहसास कराने की तरकीब कि चारों तरफ फैली बीमारी की भयावह तस्वीर में भी दीखती है मुझे सकारात्मकता की एक तस्वीर डॉक्टर जो लाठी डंडों से पीटे जा रहे थे वो आज फिर देवता स्वरूप समझे जा रहे हैं मौत की परवाह किये बगैर जो कर्तव्य पथ पर निरंतर चलते जा रहे हैं कहीं उन पर आज पुष्पवर्षा हो रही है तो कहीं स्वागत हो रहा है तालियों और शंखनाद से  शुक्रिया कोविड काल का कि जिसने  बहुत सारे एहसास लौटा दिए हैं एक समय था जब रास्तों और गलियों में शोर था, और घरों से जीवन विलुप्त था आज जब गलियां और रास्ते वीरान हैं तो घरों के कोने कोने में जैसे जीवन व्याप्त है छतों पर फिर किलकारियों की गूंज है और आंगन में प्रतिध्वनि है चहकती आवाजों और कहकहों की  शुक्रिया कोविड काल का कि जिसने बहुत सारे एहसास लौटा दिए हैं डॉ अर्चना टंडन

"Shaping earth Geometrically"

Just as potters give shapes to pots on their spinning wheels And glass artisans skill-fully blow various forms, to us that appeal Just as weavers weave forms and shapes on their loom And god shapes the living beings both inside and outside the womb. We human beings should sprinkle dots of love in all directions Letting them join to form lines of civilisations Which intersect with each other to shut out profaneness Inside the so formed triangles saving all humaneness Courtesy these trigons will take shape pyramids of equality  To protect and safeguard the fate of humanity  Under the hemispherical domes of residences will bloom benevolence and kindness Where an artistic society will replace the robotic humaneness  On this sphere called earth, nature will nurture the residing virtuous beings To replace the lines of frowns by semi-circular smiles so pleasing By the grace of God, with passing times These geom...

Mother Earth- Heal Thyself

Mother earth is springing back to life On the humans, as Covid-19 takes a jibe The so called civilised stand caged on this day On the encroached areas, the wild animals are making their way Bright blue shines the sky that had lost its sheen Greens have become greener enhancing the scene Birds are chirping like never before With newer species joining in to improve their score As the smoke emanating chimneys stand dormant The holes in the ozone layer are getting  plugged by natural enforcement Humans too have become more humane Being governed by their hearts more than their brain In the past they had not understood the nature's worth And had caused grave injury to our dear mother earth Courtesy lockdown deafening sounds have vanished Sounds of nature are heard all around as mother earth is getting replenished. © Dr Archana Tandon

कुबूल हुई प्रार्थना

थी एक प्रार्थना जो  पूरी न हो सकी थी कभी था एक भाव जो चाह कर भी  महसूस न हुआ था कभी सुलग रहा था अंदर ही अंदर कहीं कुछ जो कचोट रहा था उसे भीतर ही भीतर  उस आस को पाले  बीत रहे थे बरस दर बरस  और वो मुरझा रही थी धीरे धीरे टहनी पर अपनी पकड़ खोती जा रही थी तभी उसने आकर विश्वास और अनुषक्ति  का एक ऐसा राग छेड़ा जो जीवंत कर गया उसकी काया को और सीखा गया एक परिभाषा पूरी कर गया उसकी खुद को खुद से मिलाकर एक निराकार के आकार पाने की अभिलाषा उसकी प्रार्थना के क़ुबूल होने का  यह ढंग रुचिकर था उसमें वो था और खुद में वो थी, फिर भी  एक सम्बन्ध था जो दृष्टिगोचर था © डॉ अर्चना टंडन

मेरी प्रार्थना

मातृभक्ति, पितृभक्ति हो या हो गुरुभक्ति पुत्र प्रेम हो या कि हो पुत्री प्रेम  या हो अर्धांगिनी बन भर्तार प्रेम जो भी किया बड़ी शिद्दत से किया डॉक्टर बन इलाज करना हो या दान -दक्षिणा दे  आत्मिक सुख का अनुभव जो भी किया बड़ी शिद्दत से किया सांस्कृतिक रुचियों को पंख दिए जीव जंतुओं से प्यार किया उन्हें स्वछंद विचरते हुए  कैमरे में कैद भी बड़ी शिद्दत से किया जो भी किया प्रार्थना स्वरूप किया तुम्हारे रूप को आत्मसात कर किया शायद ये शिद्दत ही मुझ में तुम्हारा स्वरूप था और यही थी मेरी प्रार्थना © डॉ अर्चना टंडन

The Power of Prayer

There is a prayer behind each happening For God has his ways and we need to understand their meanings If one looks out for positives, positivity one finds Earthquakes, floods and pandemics are all his designs The recent COVID-19 pandemic sets one thinking How can so much suffering be justified without even blinking Is it not that the pandemic has made the world unite and work in unison By adopting altruistic approach to control the gloomy situation Quarantine is acting as a blessing in disguise Where family values are taking precedence over building social ties No touch technique is favouring on-line transactions Bringing in transparency and doing away with corruptions Population is learning to follow hygienic principles Handshake is being avoided as 'Namaste' becomes invincible Indoor activities are replacing one's gym activities And that does save time and exposure to loud symphonies Doctors and nurses ...

Nurturing hope (Learning from Nirbhaya's Mother)

Her daughter was brutally raped She felt helpless as she could not be saved But it was hope that kept her moving Moving to plead for justice Day in and day out  She continued with this practice Of trudging from door to door Working up and strengthening  Her plea more and more It was hope that pushed away her fears It was hope that dried her tears It was hope that cleared the hurdles It was hope that lessened the burden Till she succeeded without succumbing As the courts helped to solve her case by delivering A death sentence for all the four culprits Sidelining the criminal defence lawyer's dirty tricks So dear friends, always keep your hopes alive For it is an endowment that genuinely helps one thrive © Dr Archana Tandon

The Commotion inside an autistic brain

We lack social skills We lack communication skills We may be impulsive We may be reclusive At times we cannot balance our emotions Resultantly violence gets added to our varied dimensions We cannot make eye to eye contact Our neurodevelopment is like that Cause may be infection, food allergies or genetic disposition But we are not mentally retarded as is your supposition We may appear shy and lost in our thoughts Though intelligent and artistic we are made to face boycotts We need love and empathy just like any other human An extended hand of understanding to increase our acumen If we can engage with pets to develop our emotions Can you not extend a hand to quieten our inner commotion Your courteousness will definitely bring in complacency And help us to come out of our cloak of hesitancy. ©Dr Archana Tandon