
Showing posts from May, 2019

Just being

Amongst the complexity that surrounds One needs to move And find a progressive scope Holding on to That one string of positivity That one thought of hope For one hasn't taken birth to drown Neither to be crowned It has always been To be a part of a story Not to earn a spectacular glory But to perform The dance of survival, Revival and continuance In one's own prairie It's by just being That one will be assured Of an unforeseen climax It's by just being That one shall understand And remove the parallax That exists between body and soul To reach the zenith In life and in death Which is the ultimate goal Dr Archana Tandon

Let her bloom

Her dress, her drape Her colour, her shape Her built her gait Are not the things For anyone to comment Love and Care will vanish And the earth wilt away If she is not allowed  To blossom and bloom Twirl and croon For her to pour in her best To put your qualms to rest And make every home And earth a paradise Paying her respect For all that she is Is not such a big price Dr Archana Tandon

इंसान प्रदत्त दलदल

The link to the video where I explain as to what goes in to penning this poem. आज़ादी स्वतंत्र विचार कायम रखने की आज़ादी एहसासों की स्वतंत्रता दर्शाने की आज़ादी पक्ष-विपक्ष के दुराव से दूर अपना मत रखने की खोती जा रही है इस वैश्विक औद्योगिकरण में महती को गई है आकांक्षाएं येन केन प्रकारेण पदस्थ हो सिरमौर होने की एक ऐसा दलदल है यहाँ, जहाँ बहता पानी होना अभिशाप है स्थिर भूमि होना अभिशाप है विशेष श्वसन यंत्र होना अभिशाप है नमकीन पानी में प्यास बुझाने के लिये निर्मल जल संचित करना अभिशाप है इसका ये मतलब नहीं कि आशा ही खो दें बल्कि विश्वास को अपने बल दें कि ईश्वरीय शक्ति सर्वोपरि है क्योंकि दलदल में भी कमल खिलते देखे गए हैं डॉ अर्चना टंडन