Miracle Divine
Vulnerable and frail as those butterfly wings was she Tied into wedlock, to a rigid headed behaving lordly Apprehensive to the core when she did conceive Receiving counselling intense against the fears she perceived Five months with good antenatal care went by in a jiffy At each antenatal check-up, she got down from the table perplexed and jittery Beginning of sixth month brought with it painless spotting and bleeding Resultantly into thoughts of fear and concern she was thrown reeling It happened at times during sleep and periods of inactivity Leaving her fearful and doubting the treatment's effectivity Diagrams and you-tube videos allayed the rattling thoughts Intense counselling and assurance helped her in joining the dots The placenta, a blood reservoir was low lying completely covering the os This supplier of nutrition and oxygen was responsible solely for all the blood loss It was a developmental and structural anomaly courtesy mercy divine That had to be dealt with...