
Showing posts from June, 2020

Life and Death

They stood by  The illuminated Ganges shore On a morning at Haridwar  Which is the heaven's door They who had come here  To perform the last rites And so stood chanting prayers  To lessen their plight The culture they represented  Amazed me no end For the colours they wore  B alanced the gloom sufficiently well The flowing Ganga  And their vivid attires  Genuinely represented life Combinely they dispelled  The despair of death  And lessened their  strife  © Dr Archana Tandon


इस इमारत के भू-गृह में बनी कब्रों से तुम कहीं इसे एक मक़बरा न समझ लेना ये तो एक खूबसूरत प्रेम का प्रतीक है  जो सदियों तक प्रेम की खूबसूरती को बयाँ करेगा ©डॉ अर्चना टंडन

Dedicated to my cultivators

You brought me in this world And with years saw me unfurl With your love and warmth As under your guidance I  transformed Words would not be enough to pay a tribute To your undaunting sacrificing attitude © Dr Archana Tandon


एक लंबा सफर तय कर हम आए हैं यहाँ सोचा न था कि पहुचेंगे कभी हम जहाँ जिस सुकून की दरख्वास्त लगाई थी उसके द्वार पूरी हो, आलिंगनबद्ध कर दे गईं हमें खुशियां अपार डॉ अर्चना टंडन

When the hedges bloom

The hedges have begun to flower For the honey bees and butterflies to hover On violets that add on to the existent variety Motivating the inhabitants  To continue the process of manuring and spraying Immersed in the atmospheric gaiety Dr Archana Tandon

The Paladin Dwarf

The growing chill on a night at Ladakh Could not dampen my will to photograph  So, I left my tent to have a look at the night sky Sidelining the rule of not wandering alone, a rule that I had to defy Against the darkened surroundings  The milky way shone, amazing me no end Gazing and photographing the galaxy Oblivious to the risk, a couple of hours I did spend Transfixed by the beauty I stood there astounded being transformed to a philosopher  The stillness and serenity left me speechless Overwhelming me, the photographer The sophist in me started analysing the miniscule presence Of a star in a galaxy Relating it to my own existence on this star-studded earth Which appeared to be a Paladin dwarfy © Dr Archana Tandon